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MEMORIA IS search mode
memoria memoria memoria memoria memoria memoria memoria
img aleatoireimg aleatoireimg aleatoire

icon >
Upload an image.
Select a file.
title >
Specify the name by which the output is formally known.
Example : concentric time
is an iteration of
Creators >
Specify individuals primarily responsible for the production of the output. Example : Jane Brown
Select individuals :
Specify the collective bodies primarily responsible for the production of the output. Example : UMR 694 MAP
Select organisations :
Add new
Sizing >
Specify, if the output is a collection, a part of a collection, or an individual output.
The subsets of a collection as well as individual elements of a collection may be described separately.
Select one category :
object of study >
Specify the object(s) of study described or represented in the output.
Select existing object(s) of study from the list.
Add new one object(s) of study.
localisation >
If relevant :
Add a descriptive localisation of the output (or collection).
Example : Laptop Gama> C/Project/Arkiw/docs/jyb/perl/test.svg
Add an archiving policy dependent address (server address).
description >
Enter descriptive information concerning the output.
date/period of creation >
Specify the date OR period of creation of the output
(if relevant).
Choose a suitable format.
(e.g. 15/02/2002)
(e.g. 2002)
(e.g. 02/2002)
(e.g. 2000-2002)
(e.g. 01/2000-02/2002)
(e.g. 01/01/2000-03/02/2002)
general type >
Specify general output type.
Example : still image
Select an adequate category from the list
Add new general type.
subtype >
Specify subtypes.
Example : still image
Select adequate categories from the list.
Add new subtype.
file format >
Select adequate file formats.
Select categories of files and then single out file format(s).
Add new file format.
Add new
language >
If the output (or collection) contains a text or a speech, specify langage(s)
Select adequate languages from list.
selection (MEMORIA)
all languages (ISO)
language not found in ISO language list.
add new
temporal coverage of analysis >
Define temporal coverage of analysis.
points :
Add new point
intervals :
Add new interval
software >
Specify the list of software used to produce the output.
Select adequate groups of software.
Add new software.
operating system >
Specify the operating system(s) used.
Select one or more systems.
Add new operating system.
Add new
instruments >
If relevant, specify the instrument(s) used to produce or display the output.
example: camera, 3D laser scanner, tablet
Select adequate equipement categories.
Add new instrument.
object of study
period of creation
general type
Open the parent output Open the parent output
filename extension
operating system
operating system
Specify the parent collection.
Select collection :
Qualify the collection :
from the point of view of its homogeneity :
from the point of view of its extendibility :
Specify the parent Collection
Select collection :
Specify the parent collection :
Select collection :
Qualify the subset of collection :
from the point of view of its homogeneity :
from the point of view of its extendibility :
If relevant, specify the number of items in the collection.
Example : 24
If relevant, specify the number of items in the subset of collection.
Example : 24
Specify, if needed, details concerning versions of software used to produce the output.
new individuals >
Specify the name(s) of the individual :
Specify the surname the individual :
Specify the sex of the individual :
affiliation >
new organisation >
show field >
Specify the full name of the organisation :

Specify the acronym of the organisation :
Specify the country of origin of the organisation :
new file format >
Specify the file format’s encoding scheme :
Specify, if the file format is an open source, or proprietary format (closed format) :
Specify the underlying model of the file format :

Add new format type.
new operating system >
Select individuals :
Select organisations :
Select collections :
output >
Select the output that is iterated.
output >
Select an output that will serve as a model.

Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text. Some text.